Discover a portal into time

Jordan is home to countless sites central to the Christian story. Explore the history of Christianity and faith and revel in the culture and experiences prevalent in this ancient land.

The Baptism Site

The site of John the Baptist's settlement at Bethany Beyond the Jordan, where Jesus was baptized, has long been known from the Bible (John 1:28 and 10:40) and from the Byzantine and medieval texts. The site has now been identified on the east bank of the Jordan River, in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and is being systematically surveyed, excavated, restored, and prepared to receive pilgrims and visitors. Bethany Beyond the Jordan is located half an hour by car from the Jordanian capital Amman. The Bethany area sites formed part of the early Christian pilgrimage route between Jerusalem, the Jordan River, and Mount Nebo.
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The Madaba mosaic map located in the Greek Orthodox Church is the oldest picture map of the entirety of the Holy Land that mentions the names of historical cities and rivers. The map is said to have been made during the second half of the sixth century due to its stylistic resemblance to that of the Church of the Apostles.
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Mount Nebo

Mount Nebo is most known for being the site where Moses overlooked the Holy Land but did not enter it and where a church and a monastery were built to honor him. The book of Numbers (33:47) mentions that when the children of Israel moved from Almon Diblathaim they camped in the mountains of Abarim, before Nebo, and that the children of Reuben rebuilt the city (Numbers 32:38).
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The 1st century AD Roman-Jewish historian Josephus identified the awe-inspiring site of Machaerus (modern-day Mukawir) as the palace-fortress of Herod Antipas, the Roman-appointed regional ruler during the life of Jesus Christ. It was here, at this hilltop fortified palace overlooking the Dead Sea region and the distant hills of Palestine that Herod imprisoned and beheaded John the Baptist. He was beheaded after Salome’s fateful dance. (Matthew 14:3-11)
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Hill of Elijah

This site has long been identified as the same place from which tradition says Elijah ascended to Heaven. Elijah, one of the most famous prophets sent to the people to bring them back from paganism, lived during the time of the rule of King Ahab. Ahab and his wife oppressed Elijah, and when Elijah grew old, God inspired him to leave and settle in what is today Jordan. When he and his successor Elisha arrived at the River Jordan, Elijah struck it with his cloak and parted the waters of the river.

Jordan is culture, nature, history, adventure, food and community.

Wadi Rum

Wadi Rum is a protected area covering 720 square kilometers of dramatic desert wilderness in the south of Jordan. Huge mountains of sandstone and granite emerge, sheer-sided, from wide sandy valleys to reach heights of 1700 meters and more. Narrow canyons and fissures cut deep into the mountains and many conceal ancient rock drawings etched by the peoples of the desert over millennia. Bedouin tribes still live among the mountains of Rum and their large goat-hair tents are a special feature of the landscape.
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The “Rose City” is one of the 7 Wonders of the World. It is also one of the most visited tourist attractions around the globe. The historical Nabatean city is full of temples, ancient structures, and beautiful artifacts. It is located less than 220 km away from The Baptism Site.
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Wadi Mujib

Located within a 50 km radius from the location of the Baptism Site, the river of Wadi Mujib is a great area for hiking and action- filled adventure. The river flows in between spiraling rock structures, giving visitors a chance to hike across a unique and engaging landscape.
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The Dead Sea

As the lowest point on earth, the dead sea is full of minerals that elevate health, wellness, and beauty. There is also a wide-spectrum of resorts that offer fun for the entire family. The Dead Sea is about 50 km away from The Baptism Site, and together they offer an exquisite complimentary experience.
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The Jordan Trail

One of the most interesting ways to explore Jordan is through hiking the Jordan Trail. It was established in 2016 by the Jordan Trail Association, and it boasts a 650 km2 path of wonder, with a myriad of beautiful sites to explore. The trail begins up north in Umm Qais, and stretches all the way down the Kingdom to Aqaba in the south.
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Aqaba is a port city located in the south of Jordan. It sits on the Red Sea, and is a well-developed town with a host of water-related activities to boast. Nice hotels, delicious seafood, and a hospitable local community makes Aqaba a great destination for aquatic adventure and respite.
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