A haven of serenity and joy for all.

Just as Jordan has been home to millions seeking refuge and peace over the past centuries and millennia, Bethany Beyond the Jordan will serve as a pristine sanctuary for all peace-seeking peoples of the world.

A place of peace

Adjacent to the UNESCO Preserved Baptism Site, Bethany Beyond the Jordan seeks to shine a light upon the holiness and richness of the site by providing facilities that will cater to the social, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and therapeutic needs of pilgrims and tourists alike. By fulfilling these needs, Bethany Beyond the Jordan aligns with the mission of peace, tolerance, and social harmony upheld by the Hashemites for centuries in this holy land.


Community comes to life

Love, compassion, and forgiveness can only be practiced in community with one another. At Bethany Beyond the Jordan, adjacent to the UNESCO Preserved Baptism Site, community comes to life in the built environment. Based on the four design principles of authenticity, freshness, enlightenment, and pilgrimage, Bethany Beyond the Jordan invokes the authentic experience of the ancient site, provides an environmentally friendly clean air outdoor experience, creates spaces for learning and gathering, and delineates paths for pilgrimage. The site will include a museum, amphitheater, agriculture and botanic spaces, a village square with restaurants, shops, and hotels, walking trails, and parking spaces. In this way, Bethany Beyond the Jordan caters to the holistic needs of pilgrims and tourists alike and lays the foundation for community to be cultivated.

  • Main Entrance
  • Farm Units
  • Camping Units
  • Farm-to-Table Restaurant
  • Lookout Platform
  • Showcase Farm
  • Production & Sorting Facility
  • Wastewater Plant
  • University Chapters & Research Center
  • Amphitheater
  • Lookout
  • Hiking Trails
  • Bethany Plaza
  • Museum, Museum Garden & Shop
  • Information Center
  • Medical Unit / Pharmacy
  • Day care / Nursery
  • Shops, Grocery & Food
  • Library
  • Bazaar
  • Main Restaurant
  • Plaza Restaurant
  • Boutique Hotel
  • Master Hotel
  • Village Expansion
  • Hotel Expansion
  • Lodges
  • Birds Sanctuary & Botanical Garden
  • Wellness Center
  • Tree Houses

Working with the community

We aim to build WITH members of the local community. 

The local community is known for their hospitality and hardworking disposition. They are an essential part of the harmonious experiences we want to emphasize. Beyond building a sanctuary for global travelers and pilgrims, our goal is to foster a productive setting for cultural exchange, where everyone involved can benefit. 

This mutually beneficial exchange manifests through the cultivation of essential skills in agriculture and construction, the development of marketplaces for artisanal crafts, the provision of service industry jobs, and the facilitation of business ownership opportunities. 

A key indicator of economic progress is the empowerment of women and youth, and Bethany Beyond the Jordan aims to work with the local population hand in hand on the path towards progress and development. We want to bring the world to Jordan, so that we can show Jordan’s beauty, skill, and determination to the world. 

Become a part of our story

Join us as guardians of the holy site of the Baptism.