From mindful meditation to nature hiking to agritourism.

Short introduction on the programs offered at the village. This is a few lines of text to give an overview to visitors on what they might expect to see and do at the village.


Mindfullness meditation

Breathing is an essential and unconscious exercise, but when we apply the conscious mind to it, it can be a path to inner peace and tranquility. The baptism site serves as a serene and holy backdrop for guided mindfulness meditation sessions.

Yoga classes

Yoga is an ancient practice that has grown in popularity over the years, because of its effective methods and techniques in improving the physical and mental state of those who practice it. The BDZ offers Yoga classes as part of an extensive calendar of events aimed at enriching the meditative and healing qualities of the Baptism Site.

Music healing

Music Therapy or Sound Therapy is an inventive form of healing, which employs sound or music as part of a therapeutic process. With the guidance of a trained practitioner, these methods can promote inner-wellbeing. Let the sound of your music echo across the historic and spiritual landscape.

Arts and crafts

The BDZ offers visitors and pilgrims the chance to learn fun artisanal skills that have been passed down through the generations. From Bedouin embroideries, to Nabataean Pottery, you get the chance to stitch and shape your part in history. The Arts & Crafts programs are an enjoyable and meditative experience for everyone. Make beautiful things and lasting memories in an unforgettable destination.

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Learning Opportunities

Seize the opportunity to grow and develop certain skills during your stay at Bethany Beyond the Jordan, as the development zone adjacent to it offers a suite of engaging and fun-filled learning environments. Historical land and tradition, present day global community, and a bright future of learning together coalesce in this sanctuary of historical significance and bright future development.

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Noble Regrowth

Agriculture is a noble and fulfilling practice. It fosters a sense of community and connection between people like a few other things can. A helping hand can go a long way, and is a resource that is greatly valued. Participate in this cultural exchange of agricultural participation for Jordanian hospitality and unique experiences.

Breathe life into the sacred land surrounding the Baptism Site, hand in hand with the local community, and get the chance to have insight into their beautiful culture, as well as the historical land you will help cultivate. Sew the seeds for a better tomorrow together.

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Camping & Hiking

Adventurous Regeneration

The BDZ is developing a hiking trail that offers a wonderful camping location and wellness facilities along the way. Hike for improved physical health and mental well-being, and stimulate your creativity along the way.

The landscape in the area surrounding the Baptism Site is perfect for those who seek a spiritual and creative adventure. Wander the beautiful trails during the day, and wonder at the magical stars during the night.

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Creative Revival

The BDZ offers visitors and pilgrims the chance to learn fun artisanal skills that have been passed down through the generations. From Bedouin embroideries, to Nabataean Pottery, you get the chance to stitch and shape your part in history. The Arts & Crafts programs are an enjoyable and meditative experience for everyone. Make beautiful things and lasting memories in an unforgettable destination.

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Become a part of our story

Join us as guardians of the holy site of the Baptism.